Thursday, November 30, 2006

When You're On....

Sometimes you just don’t have anything to say. The feeling hits you like an arctic wind and you shiver to the fucking bone. There are times when someone says something that is so incredibly fucking moronic that you honestly sit there and just stutter for lack of any actual intelligent speech that could possibly coincide with it. When I think that people that say these kinds of things will eventually have kids, meaning that they ill actually thro their genes back into the pool and produce another clone of their on damn ignorance it makes me ill to the point of nausea. There are people out there in the world who will give you a line of bullshit that fist fucks your brains with its idiocy. You almost wish that the person in question ere mentally retarded so they’d have a reason for being so fucking devoid of anything that resembles an actual thought. It often comes from a source where you’d completely expect it though so you can usually at least see it coming. Sometimes though, it’s someone you know and trust. You would have never expected such a crock of shit to escape their lips but there it is in all of its pointless glory.

Then the worst part is when your stunned silence ensues they will look at you as if they won the argument and you are left just stuttering, unable to tell them how absolutely and unapologetically fucking wrong they were. I do not think that I know everything, far from it. I don’t even think that I am right all the time but I can smell someone else’s bullshit from a fucking mile away. On the other hand though, I really am sick to shit of people that won’t stand behind their opinions. Opinions are bound to piss someone else off especially if they are important ones. The point to having an opinion is that your opinions in a very real way define and dictate who you are as a human being. Don’t be quick to apologize to someone because they found your opinion offensive or wrong. If you had the balls to state an opinion have the balls to stand behind it, but also have the balls to bow out when you have been proven wrong. Being proven wrong is not having someone whine at you about how wrong you were either.

If you thought that I was going away you were fucking wrong. I am back to annihilate every single one of you fucking hypocrites one at I time. I am back to proudly proclaim the things that I think are stupid in this world, and laugh at things that everyone knows I shouldn’t. I have returned from a void so deep that you couldn’t imagine its complexity and now I am prepared to start literally leveling the playing field. I will not apologizer to you for kicking you off of your high horse. I won’t cry with you or give you a shoulder to cry on because I think in a lot of ways this world seems to have an overabundance of people who just need a swift kick in the ass more than a loving hug. Don’t get me wrong I think that we all have to be working as a team but the people what do not want to be a part of the team need to know that I am coming for your ass. The pen is mightier than the sword and all that nonsense.

Even though I am not holding a pen I am prepared to do what I have to do to keep myself from imploding because there is a cold hard truth to my personality that you all need to be made aware of. When I think about the state of things in this world it makes me angry. I mean really fucking angry, angry to the point where I can’t even think straight. It’s not just politics and religions and other global level issues like that either. I’m talking about these cog faced fucking monstrosities that seem to think it’s their appointed duty in life to make everyone around them fucking miserable. I am the weapon again their weapons.

Pour your scorn on me I can take it. There isn’t a damn thing you can say or do that will stop me from tearing you the fuck apart

Have a nice day

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Confizzle Fo' Rizzle

You ever get that feeling like you just totally don’t understand what the fuck is going on anymore? It’s like you feel like a stranger in your own life. Like maybe you haven’t noticed it until now but it seems like the world is just running on a different frequency. Maybe sometimes even it seems like you have been given nosebleed seats to the theater of your life. I don’t know why but I was assaulted with that sudden kind of feeling of disassociation from me. When I tried to think about it, it was like the only thoughts that broke through were these half stunted pieces of shit that didn’t manage to do anything but leave me more confused. I tried posting a video about it but if you know what I am talking about at all you can imagine how that fucking went.

I don’t know really but I am thinking a lot about a lot of nothing I guess. I have a lot of things on my mind at the moment. I’ve been trying so hard to keep up with the frantically manic pace that I have to accomplish everything that I have to do in a day that maybe I just haven’t given myself enough time to sit down and chill. I will be doing a video tonight though so expect to see that in a couple of hours at least.

Here is a little ditty I wrote about a guy I used to work with

once worked

With a man

Who put church pamphlets

In the can

I asked once

What he thought that’d do

Because I don’t think of Jesus

When I poo

He said that

We all need to think

About getting saved

Says how in the sink

I looked scared

As a thought came to mind

I asked him just once

He said that He’d find

A better way

To spread the word

Guess I’ll go to hell

For being absurd

But the question I asked

Wasn’t so bad

Maybe not so thought out

But who’s not guilty of that

Before checking the stall

And this is pretty tripe

What if there’s no paper

And they use the pamphlet to wipe?

I thought it was funny anyway but that’s all that matters to me anyway. I’m such an inconsiderate prick.

Have a nice day guys

Monday, November 27, 2006

First Post Jitters

Well this will be the blog I use for talking about my various projects and all that. I never really know what to write on the first post so you’ll have to bear with this stinking heap of sucktitude until I think of something to write about. My account has been hard to maintain due to a recent string of illnesses but I think I am getting better and I will probably be making a video homework assignment for all of you as soon as I can.

I’m trying to get a hold of randomburn so I can talk to him about something but when I get that done I think that the official release of crawlspace critter should be underway. I’ll be setting up a account for the purposes of money and we’ll see how that goes I guess. The first novel that I intend to complete is well in progress and I think that I’m going to be happy with the results. I’ll keep you all posted on this.

If any of you has any ideas what I should do a video about please feel free to let me know. I have been getting a bit more sleep lately (because of being sick) so I think that I am ready to dive full bore into what I am doing again. Thanks for being patient all of you and I’ll see you all later.

Have a nice day,
